
i once sat in a room full of friends, listening to one speak of the Love of our Triune God for us. i was changed as i heard her describe it as unfathomable.
the idea of YHWH's unfathomable love for us through Christ has become a close companion these last couple of weeks.
... maybe it's because Advent is here. like Lent & Easter, Advent is a season that pays closer attention to the details of the Lord's love for his people... all people. the humble, sacrificial, relentless love of YHWH that came to us through the Christ Child.
... maybe it's because of a novel that i read last week and some of the ways in which the Trinity's love for one another & for us was communicated in it. this book truly stirred me, much to my chagrin, as i am often suspect of novels by Christian writers that become too popular, too quick. but this one seemed sort of different. the ways in which the love of the Lord was communicated by the author was downright overwhelming at times... at least for this heart.
... maybe... simply... it's because my heart needs to be reminded that the unfathomable love of our Triune God is for me, too.
so i've been wondering why my proximity to Christ's love sometimes feels like it changes. i don't know if it is so much that we "fall out of love" as we fall out of the way of love. as i've been pondering the mysteriousness of the LORD's agape, chesed & grace in these last 14 months of my life, i am being moved... made new. i'm growing to see what the effect of pressing into, receiving and truly believing in his love for me ~not just for others, but for me too~ his daughter... his hephzibah. i'm humbled when remembering that i have been CHOSEN... and this choosing is not based on what i do or have done... but because of WHOSE I AM... Abba's BELOVED.
sometimes in the last week, when i'm feeling a little courageous, i take pause and consider what that author offered up. in the book the LORD communicates his love so tenderly. i want to believe in the marrow of my bones that Christ, too, says to me, the messiest of sinners, "i'm especially fond of you."
just the thought takes my breathe away...
come Spirit, come... blow me back into the wake of love, in the shadow of love, in the way of your unfathomable love.