snow days

today is an official SNOW DAY here in loverly kent!
i love the idea of being trapped in by something that is so beautiful and fluffy... for the way in which it demands that i stop... and breathe. the blizzard of '78 invited us into a slow way of living for a few days... we lost electricity and had to bundle up under blankets while we played Monopoly... my brother's favorite game back then!
and even though i am no longer in school, there is still a buzz of excitement that is charged within me... must be leftovers from my snow-belt childhood.
...aahhh, "the hill"... it sat just one house north of mine on ol' Anthony Court. the fun my brother Bryan and our many neighbors had on it! Suzy, Gary, Mandy, Mark, Melissa, Scott & Jeff sliding down and climbing up it... thinking it was so huge... and playing until the skin on our cheeks got hard from the cold... and a rosy red that probably wasn't as healthy as it was beautiful.

TODAY has been a warmer, more mellow snow day than those of my past. it's been spent just being... hanging out in my home, enjoying some homemade chili and cornbread, sitting under a warm light and enjoying good music with some amazing friends... and sneaking in a little computer work while they study. i'm grateful for the rest that this day has brought to my mind, body & soul.
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