Monday, April 14, 2008


"It is not enough to be busy,
so are the ants.

The question is:
what are we busy about?"
~ Henry David Thoreau

i have been pondering Thoreau's thoughts on busyness & TIME for a bit now.  

it makes me reflect and wonder what is true & real about the concept of TIME: the decades and years and months and weeks and days and hours and minutes and seconds that God gives us to glorify him through.  

i keep seeking real understanding on what a Christ-like perspective on the topic of TIME really is... and what a the Lordship of Christ has to do with the choices i make with the TIME that God has given me to steward.  

i feel confident this is the route to understanding what i am to truly be "busy" about.  i plan on discovering that i have more things to learn and will be compelled to dream, think and act... to live life more fully ~ a fullness that has more to do with quality, not necessarily quantity.  

i anticipate the quality of my relationships will deepen, i imagine my need for things will lessen, i plan on my hope increasing, i hope that my love will lose its prejudices and unwillingness to be extravagant, ... BOTTOMLINE: i desire to decrease so that Christ can increase... and with that in mind, that he'd INCREASE the way i use the TIME that he has lent me.

the idea of TIME (what does "my time" really mean?!? is there even such a thing as "my time"?!?) has been on the forefront of my mind for the last year.  there is much more that i desire to discover... to learn about a Christ-like perspective and action with TIME.  this is just something i'm chewing on ~ more thoughts to come...


Blogger Scott Budzar said...

Keep chewing on this Shelby... it's good stuff to ponder, share and consider with great heart. The whole "my time" thing needs to be questioned by the Christ-follower and wrestled with.

7/11/2008 6:23 AM  

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