true confession...
i'm addicted!
ever since breaking my ankle in September of '06 and being stuck on the couch for a while, this show has captured my attention & imagination. i just can't seem to get enough of it! and i'm utterly thrilled that the new season! starts tomorrow. this is ridiculous... me blogging about a tv show. but i've been finding out that a lot of things are ridiculous in this life!
i can't figure out what it is about it. it is so surreal... maybe that's why i like it so. i was always so drawn to the surrealism: Dali, Miro, Picasso to name a few... Dali in particular! his work wooed me in throughout my college years... and beyond!
like the surrealists, LOST bends reality... demands my attention... and plays with my mind,... my imagination. i enjoy how the writers, directors & creative staff weave together reality with what could only be imagined... the fantastical and the disturbing! some of my favorite aspects of the show is the weaving together of people's history AND all of the references to literature.
i'm curious about the faith/worldview perspecitive that the writers/creators of the show are coming from. at times there seems to be clear overtones of Buddhism... yet there is also something else familiar about the show. LOST is so much about story... i continue to wrestle with what it has to do with our conversation on the Story... the interplay of Truth & experience... what is REAL... aspects of the metanarrative of Creation, Fall, Redemption, & Consummation... the desire for relationship... the common human desire to be KNOWN, rescued, saved... to experience GRACE & acceptance, regardless. i feel like i see & hear so much of these themes in the past & current stories of Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Charlie, Sayid, Claire, Juliette & others. i'd love to talk about this with folks!
so... i sit here watching the last episode of Season 3... a little pre-premiere warm-up on ABC... and i'm eagerly anticipating another season of crazy, surreal storytelling that engages my imagination... and soul!