Sunday, November 26, 2006

my cat

my cat is the coolest. she is unbelievably kind and forgiving... ridiculously loving and playful... and completely committed. i have a lot to learn from her.

i love how no matter how much i'm lacking, she is loving. one minute she's telling me off for forgetting to leave food for her before i rush off to church (use your best latino R rolling skills here ) ~ "Bbrrrreow, brreow, bbbrrrrreeoooow!" ~ and the next minute she's lending me an abundance of kindness and grace as she buries her head into the crook of my arm... snugglin' in for some luvin'.

i love how she always seems to know that someone is feelin' sad and she makes her way onto their lap to lend a little compassion. or how when i am feeling not so hot about a day, she's wildly playful... trying to play chase with me... jumping out of nowhere... causing me to find reason to giggle like a 5 year old girl.

i love how she always knows where i am. seriously, my cat keeps tabs on me. i like how since i got hurt she waits and takes those dredded stairs at my new speed :: slow. i take one, she takes one... and on and on. if i'm cleaning up a storm in my spare womb (room), she finds a cozy spot on the back of the futon where she naps and occasionally comes down to survey the work i've accomplished... and to give me a little shout out: "bbrrrreoooww!"

aaahhhhh, kohl... my latina kitty... my pal... my teacher.


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